Un nouveau site de bookmarklets. À creuser.
Evite de passer par feedrunner en passant par DuckDuckGo
A utiliser sur une playlist youtube, évidemment.
Update 10/06/2015 : obsolète sur à la nouvelle version de l'API youtube (j't'entube)...
Keeps location.origin, that is :
Keeps :
Displays csv of links and their texts into dialog box.
Pretty rough but simple and does the job.
Go to the user's page : www.youtube.com/user/<some user hash> and lauch the bookmarklet to open the URL of the corresponding feed !
Updated (20150804 to new the youtube API)
New (handles https from xkcd - explainxkcd does not handle https)
javascript:(function(){document.location = document.location.href.replace(/https?\:\/\//, 'http://explain')})();
javascript:(function(){document.location.host = 'explain' + document.location.host})();